Marko Tkalčič

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Associate Professor
University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT)
Glagoljaška 8, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia
E-mail: marko.tkalcic at

I am associate professor at the Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (FAMNIT) at the University of Primorska in Koper, Slovenia. I aim at improving personalized services (e.g. recommender systems) through the usage of psychological models in personalization algorithms. To achieve this, I use diverse research methodologies, including data mining, machine learning, and user studies.

If you are further interested in my work, please download my CV.


Call for papers for the special issue on Recommender Systems for Good in the ACM Transactions on Recommender Systems coediting with Nava Tintarev, Noemi Mauro, Antonela Tommasel, and Alan Said
The edited book Ferwerda, B., Graus, M., Germanakos, P., & Tkalčič, M. (Eds.). (2024). A Human-Centered Perspective of Intelligent Personalized Environments and Systems. Springer Nature Switzerland. is finally out!
(Position is filled) I am hiring! TLDR: PhD position, full-time employment (40 hrs/week), duration four years (start October 2024), research and teaching. More info at PhD Call
Proud to announce that my PhD student Elham Motamedi succesfully defended her thesis.
Keynote at the PsyIAS workshop in conjunction with WSDM 2024
I am hiring! TLDR: postdoc position (PhD required), full-time employment (40 hrs/week), duration 2 years (preferred start October 2024), research and teaching. More info at Postdoc Call
My PhD student Elham Motamedi published the paper Predicting movies’ eudaimonic and hedonic scores: A machine learning approach using metadata, audio and visual features in the prestigious journal Elsevier Information Processing & Management (Impact Factor 2022 8.6)
Keynote at the CREAI Workshop on AI and Creativity in conjunction with AIxIA 2023 in Rome
Keynote at the IntRS workshop at RecSys 2023 in Singapore:
I will have two presentations in Bergen (Norway): a lecture for students at the University of Bergen on 13.4.2023 and another one at the MediaFutures institute.
I will give a keynote at the 12th Italian Information Retrieval Workshop on June 30th, 2022 in Milano, Italy
Organizing the HAAPIE workshop at ACM UMAP 2022. Deadline for papers: 15. April 2022
I’ll be chairing the Intelligent User Interfaces track with Elisabeth Lex at the 2022 ACM UMAP conference in Barcelona. Abstract submission deadline: 10. February 2022
Chairing the Demos and Posters at the International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE) conference with Yashar Deldjoo and Irene Garrigos in beautiful Bari. Submission deadline: 19. February 2022
Organized the ACM HCI Slovenia conference in Koper, the first live event I attended in a while. Great to have had Peter Knees and Gregor Geršak as keynote speakers
Happy to share that I made it into the Stanford list of the top-scientists cited worldwide
Welcome to ACM UMAP 2021
The paper Investigating the impact of recommender systems on user-based and item-based popularity bias coauthored with Mehdi Elahi, Danial Khosh Kholg, Mohammad Sina Kiarostami, Sorush Saghar, and Shiva Parsa Rad has been published in Elsevier Information Processing and Management
Co-editing the focus section on User Modeling and Recommendations in Frontiers in Big Data Mining and Management with Denis Helić and Ujwal Gadiraju. Deadline: 20. September 2021
Co-editing the Special issue on Group Recommender Systems in Springer User Modeling and User-adapted Interaction with Ludovico Boratto, Alexander Felfernig, and Martin Stettinger. Deadline: 15. June 2022
The paper A Comparison of Human and Computational Melody Prediction Through Familiarity and Expertise co-authored with Matevž Pesek, Anja Podlesek, Špela Medvešek, and Matija Marolt has been accepted to the research topic The Effects of Music on Cognition and Action in Frontiers in Psychology/Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience
Happy to share that I was among the best reviewers at ISMIR - 21st International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference
I am happy to announce that I will be, with Nava Tintarev, Program Co-chair of the 29th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP) 2021, which will be held in Utrecht (the Netherlands) in June 2021
I will give a keynote at the HCI-IS, hosted by the Slovenian ACM SIGCHI Chapter
I will give a keynote at ISMIS 2020 - 25th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems with the title Complementing Behavioural Modeling with Cognitive Modeling for Better Recommendations
I will chair the RecSys 3 session at the ACM UMAP 2020 conference on 16. July 2020
I will chair the User Modeling-A(3) session at The Web Conference 2020. Schedule and other info here:
I was just awarded the Italian habilitation of Full Professor both for the sectors ASN 01/B1 - INFORMATICA and 09/H1 Sistemi di elaborazione delle informazioni
Interview for the Russian business portal RBK on cognitive and behavioural user modeling
The video of my keynote talk at the AI Journey conference in Moscow is available at this YouTube link.
Together with Li Chen and Bruce Ferwerda I am editing the focus section Psychological Models for Personalized Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Frontiers in Psychology (Impact Factor 2.129) and Frontiers in Computer Science. Submission deadline: 03 March 2020
I will give an invited talk at the AI Journey conference in Moscow on November 9th 2019. The title of the talk will be From Behavioural to Cognitive Modeling in Recommender Systems
I started my tenured position as associate professor at the University of Primorska Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP FAMNIT)
Together with Mehdi Elahi I am editing the special issue Algorithms for Personalization Techniques and Recommender Systems in the MDPI Algorithms journal. Submission deadline: 20. November 2019
The video of my presentation at ACM IUI 2019 is available here: Video: Prediction of music pairwise preferences from facial expressions Paper: Paper: Prediction of music pairwise preferences from facial expressions
Together with Sole Pera I am chairing the Late-breaking Results - Posters and Demos at the ACM RecSys 2019 conference. The submission deadline is 1. July 2019
I am co-organizing the 3rd Workshop on Theory-Informed User Modeling for Tailoring and Personalizing Interfaces (HUMANIZE) at ACM IUI 2019 conference. With Mark Graus, Bruce Ferwerda, and Panagiotis Germanakos
Our paper Personality and taxonomy preferences, and the influence of category choice on the user experience for music streaming services has been published in the journal Multimedia Tools and Applications. With Bruce Ferwerda, Emily Yang, and Markus Schedl
Our paper Prediction of music pairwise preferences from facial expressions has been accepted as a long paper at the ACM IUI 2019 conference. With Nima Maleki, Matevz Pesek, Mehdi Elahi, Francesco Ricci, and Matija Marolt
I will give a tutorial on Emotions and Personality in Recommender Systems on October 2 at RecSys 2018 in Vancouver. The material can be found here
I am co-organizing the International Workshop on Decision Making and Recommender Systems 2018 (29-30 November 2018, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy) with Francesco Ricci, Markus Zanker and Mehdi Elahi.
I am co-editing the UMUAI Special Issue on User Modeling for Personalized Interaction with Music with Markus Schedl and Peter Knees. Submission deadline for extended abstracts: 1. June 2018.
Our book Group Recommender Systems : An Introduction (Springer), edited together with Alexander Felfernig, Martin Stettinger and Ludovico Boratto, will be on the shelves from March 2018.
I have been habilitated as Associate Professor (Professore di II. fascia) in Italy by the national habilitation committee (Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale) for the area 09/H1 (ING-INF/05).
Starting with January 2018 I will be member of the editorial board of the Springer User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction journal (2016 impact factor 3.625).



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